Teasing out the components that make space — built environment, discourse, memory, matter, objects — and helping to sharpen an articulation of space, that’s what I’m interested in. If we’re very precise in reading this space and its conditions, we may begin to understand what is really happening. To me, curating is still informed by its Latin origin, curare, to take care of.
Carin Kuoni is a curator, writer, and arts administrator whose work examines how contemporary artistic practices reflect and inform social, political, and cultural conditions. She is director/curator of the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, a public research platform on art and civic engagement. Before joining The New School, she was director of exhibitions at Independent Curators International (ICI) and director of The Swiss Institute, a not-for-profit cultural organization in New York City. A founding member of the artists’ collective REPOhistory, Kuoni has curated and co-curated numerous international transdisciplinary exhibitions on issues such as democratic, participatory processes; artistic and social networks; new notions of transient and temporary spaces; or agency. Kuoni is editor or co-editor of many exhibition catalogues and several books, among them Energy Plan for the Western Man: Joseph Beuys in America, Words of Wisdom: A Curator’s Vademecum, Considering Forgiveness, and Speculation, Now. She is a 2014 Andy Warhol Foundation curatorial fellow, a 2015 Art in General honoree, and director of SITAC XII/2015: Arte, justamente|Just Art in Mexico City.