During Summer 2015, a team of graduate students from across The New School (i.e., CDRL members Fernando do Campo, Sinead Petrasek and Agnes Szanyi) worked closely with curators Silvia Rocciolo and Eric Stark to mine The New School archives related to the twelve site-specific works of art in The New School’s art collection. Their research culminated in rich “information packets” that will help inform the design as well as the multidisciplinary writing that will comprise CDRL’s future print publication and its mobile website.
In Fall 2015, these valuable “packets” were first used by students in Communication Design Professor Lucille Tenazas’s Art, Media and Technology’s “Design Collab” course to inform their production of promotional materials for the Lab. The students designed a brochure/poster that mapped a timeline of the twelve art commissions, as well as a sample chapter focused on Glenn Ligon’s recent “For Comrades and Lovers” neon installation housed in the new University Center Event Cafe.
We are very grateful to Joshua Sapan and Ann Foley for their meaningful contribution and support of the CDRL/The New School Art Collection book publication project. Their generous donation will significantly help us further our goal.
Our thanks to Mark Gibbel, Chief Development Officer and The New School Development and Alumni Relations team, Provost Tim Marshall and Vice-Provost, Pat Baxter for their continued advocacy and support.
View the publications here:
12 Site-Specific Art Commisions Brochure
Glenn Ligon Chapter